Author Topic: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.  (Read 4117 times)

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2009, 06:57:00 AM »
I saw the aftermath when a dude get his head run over by a UPS truck one time...

One time in highschool I was walking back to class from lunch and there was a motorcycle cop waiting facing me at the intersection about 50 yards away. for some reason he tries to make a right turn on a red light without looking and gets blindsided by this big white van that must have been going at least 40. The next 10 seconds all happened in slow motion. Bike and cop get knocked across intersection, Bike and cop hit pavement and bounce seperate ways. Bike hits the curb and slides right at me at an alarming rate. I am too shocked to move. Bike stops 2 feet in front of me. Cop slides about 80 feet on his back and doesn't get up. Lady runs screaming out of the post office. Cop can barely speak but asks lady to get his radio. Cop is obviously paralyzed. I am late for class and don't want to deal with police bullshit. I bounce and sit through 4th period thinking about how if that bike had gone about 3 more feet....

Yeah dude who gives a fuck about the dude who just got fucking paralyzed in front of you.


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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2009, 07:49:58 AM »
I've been super lucky, knock on wood, but I do have one good ( real long) car 'accident' story

Years ago I went to visit my buddy Chris at work to grab some food with him at his bar when he got off. So he clocks out and we're sitting at the bar talking and see some woman approach looking for someone who works there. The dude who came on after Chris was nowhere to be seen so Chris says to the woman, "Hi, I work here and just got off, can I help you with something?". She just wanted to place a drink order so he took care of it for her and that was that.

Fast forward 30 minutes. We're still sitting at the bar and I see out of the corner of my eye this mountain of a man approaching us from behind. He grabs my buddy Chris by the neck and I'm just thinking it's some friend of his. After a couple seconds I realize this dude is saying stuff along the lines of "You're fucking hitting on my girl in front of me? How about we go outside" or some other manly bullshit. At this point his 'girl' sees what's happening and comes up to pull him off as we're explaining he works at the bar and was taking her order. They walk away and we're sitting there in shock. Then the woman comes back to apologize and the dude loses it. He comes and grabs her and starts to get physical with HER and she runs off to the bathroom and he starts to follow her, then comes back at us. At this point a few of his co-workers have seen what's going on and come over so now there are 4 of us and him so he decides to leave the bar. 5 seconds later the girl runs out of the bathroom and leaves too.

Since this dude clearly has issues one of my friends co-workers goes outside to see if everything is alright. Come back in right away and say you guys need to call the cops and come help me so 3 of use go outside to see the girl running as fast as she can away from this dude who was following her in his jacked-up pick-up. As soon as he gets right behind her, he swerves and leaves the parking lot and takes off down the road. It's around midnight and raining and this woman is running alone down the street so we decide to go help her. My car was right there so the four of us get in and drive after her. We pull up along side her and ask if she needs help, where she needs to go, etc... At first she says she's fine but after a second realizes that she needs help. Right as she starts getting into my car we see head lights coming the other direction. She realizes it's him and says "It's fine, he just gets jealous, I'll be ok" and shuts the door to my car and walks towards the direction his car is coming. We obviously aren't going to just leave so I back up into a parking lot so I'm still facing the street and can easily pull out if something else happens.

He stops in front of her and she gets into his truck. He then peels out, does a u-turn and pulls into the parking where I'm parked. He starts coming directly at us and I'm thinking "Great, this dude wants to fight all of us" but before I can finish that thought I realize he's not stopping. Now I'm in a little 1990 Honda Civic and he's in a giant truck. We're fucked. Before I knew it he driven head first into us, crushing the front of my car as he drove on top of it. All I can see are his tires inches from my windshield spinning at what looks like 1,000,000rpm. Being the action hero that I am, I put my car in reverse and drive out from under him. His truck crashed down and he continued to drive towards us. So now I'm driving in reverse through a giant Costco parking lot being chased by a maniac like I'm Jason Stathom. I'm doing my best to avoid all the little curb planters dividing parking spots and he's just driving over them. Luckily, 15 seconds into our scene from Ronin three cop cars pulled up with full sirens. I stopped and he tried to drive away but was blocked in. The cops not knowing who was who pulled their guns on everyone yelling for us to get out of the car. It didn't take long to realize he was the bad guy but it's never cool to have a gun pointed at you.

I didn't have a car for a couple months but when it was all said and done I got a sweet settlement without having to go to court.

Let this be a lesson to all of you. If you see a women being abused by her boyfriend, just let it happen.

/thread, and you're getting my first gnar


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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2009, 09:25:24 AM »
Yeah Dude, that's buck.  What happened to the maniac?

The only one I ever had was driving the band van in fucking Grand Forks North Dakota, I hate that place.  First thing of the day, coming out of the parking lot of the motel, looking for a gas station.  Somebody in the back says, "Oh, there's one back there", so I start to back up.  There's some tiny car right behind me that I can't see at all.  I start backing up slowly, chunk em, and then they honk their horn.

I don't know if this elderly couple ever even called the insurance company, so no big deal.  The worst part was when we go to the gas station a minute later, I'm not paying attention and stick a semi nozzle into the tank (which still fits, but it's tight).  I fill it, which I guess makes a huge air bubble inside the tank.  When I pulled it out a big wave of gasoline flies out and soaks me head to toe.  Luckily I was wearing glasses.

So yeah, I'm a person, and fuck Grand Forks.


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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2009, 10:10:56 AM »
2 stories ill drop em quick both are not about me:

1. my friends were playing frisby out front of their house. my friend thought it would be funny to throw the frisby underneath this car that was coming. he fucked up completely and smoked the door of the car. it was some muscle milk faggot and he was pissed, so he slams on his brakes, and powers back towards my friend in reverse trying to hit him. my friend jumped out of the way and the guy backed into a fire hydrant and fucked his back end up hardcore. then the driver realized he fucked up and bounced and for some reason my friends ran too.

2. my friend was driving his girlfriend home one night and this SUV randomly pulls up sideways in front of my buddy as to block him off at an intersection (its like 2am). the SUV has like 5 people packed in it saying "get the fuck out of the car". my friend just drove around him and took off down a side street. the SUV was much faster than my friend's car so he caught up. long story short the guy tried to side swipe my friend, my friend slammed on the brakes, pit maneuvered him, and the guy's SUV flipped into a house and into a van because he clipped the curb with his brakes fully locked up.

thats what you fucking get haters!!!

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2009, 11:21:20 AM »
Me and a couple friends were driving back to my place one night and since we were only about 17 we still had that invincibility notion. Im doing about 50 on back road with my friend following behind me. My friend decides that it'd be funny to pass me and takes off. We go up and over a curve that's not banked, and what we didn't realize was that there was a car coming in the other direction so my friend whips his car into the other lane, which causes his car to fishtail. He over corrects it and send the passenger side fishtailing. he straightens the car out and blows through a fence and ends up doing a 180 in some persons yard. We turn around and go back to the scene and my friend is beyond white and he claims that our friend mike is dead. He calls 911 while our friend josh checks out the wreck, fortunately for us josh discovers that mike is alive, and the cops/medics come and take him away. Seriously the most fucked up situation i've ever witnessed

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2009, 11:51:11 AM »
here's a weird one that i just remembered.  my sister had this boyfriend who had just inherited some money and bought a mustang, like a 2001 mustang (this was a new car at the time).  he rolls up to me in the parking lot one day and revs the engine asking me if i want a ride home.  i say nah, and proceed to talk to babes but they turned me down :( .  anyway.  dude takes this other random girl home instead.  like 30 minutes after that there are sirens just going apeshit in and around town.  police and ambulances everywhere.

it turns out that he went to this road where there's a sharp hill that people sometimes jump their cars off of, like dukes of hazard style.  9 times out of 10, people break the axle on their dumb station wagon or whatever, but end up being safe cause they only go off it at 50mph.  i guess the dude hit this thing going faster than shit in his pretty new mustang, police suspect somewhere around 105mph, and jumps way the fuck over the incline...lands and bottoms out in the road so hard that it tore the oil pan or whatever out of the bottom of the car...which then did a few cartwheels down the road, hitting another hill in someones yard, which sends it up airborn again and cuts a fucking tree in half...only to land upside down in a fucking river.

dude was fine with cuts and bruises and a broken jaw.  the girl lost her foot, her back was smashed up like mashed potatoes and she's paralyzed forever.  dude went into hiding and got home schooled for the rest of this career and immediately moved out of town after he finished.  she added me on facebook last year and she's still in a wheel chair just ripping around the hometown in it.


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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2009, 08:02:46 PM »
this is the gnarliest PSA ever. i wish this kind of stuff was shown on american television. dont text and drive kiddos.


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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2009, 10:21:26 PM »
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I saw the aftermath when a dude get his head run over by a UPS truck one time...

One time in highschool I was walking back to class from lunch and there was a motorcycle cop waiting facing me at the intersection about 50 yards away. for some reason he tries to make a right turn on a red light without looking and gets blindsided by this big white van that must have been going at least 40. The next 10 seconds all happened in slow motion. Bike and cop get knocked across intersection, Bike and cop hit pavement and bounce seperate ways. Bike hits the curb and slides right at me at an alarming rate. I am too shocked to move. Bike stops 2 feet in front of me. Cop slides about 80 feet on his back and doesn't get up. Lady runs screaming out of the post office. Cop can barely speak but asks lady to get his radio. Cop is obviously paralyzed. I am late for class and don't want to deal with police bullshit. I bounce and sit through 4th period thinking about how if that bike had gone about 3 more feet....

Yeah dude who gives a fuck about the dude who just got fucking paralyzed in front of you.

There were about 40 other witnesses there and I was like 14, didn't have a cell phone and was honestly a bit in shock for the whole ordeal. I honestly don't think I could have done anything to help the guy and the woman freaking out really made it worse for me. I heard sirens about 5-10 minutes later and when I got out of class the intersection was swarming with paramedics and cop cars, so there were plenty of people to help the poor guy out. I really hope he didn't have lasting damage but that image is still burned in my memory as being exactly like that trailer for final destination 3. I guess the way I wrote it sounded nonchalant but this was my first encounter with something that intense and real so I honestly did not know anything except I really needed to get to class.
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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2009, 11:16:40 PM »
I've been really lucky, and drive really cautious now as to not test my luck anymore.  I was driving back from philly on the i-95 with 3 friends, we had just seshed all day and had been up literally all night partying at my friends school right outside of philly, we're all exhausted and turn on some m83 to relax.  Bad idea, everyone gradually falls asleep including me, i begin to drift off the highway and then ride up the barrier seperating the highways then slam back on to the road, which wakes me up and sends everyone else in the car into a screaming panic.  If you could picture what my car did, it wallride then wallied this barrier.  I'm absolutely terrified of falling asleep while drivng now.

Then other time me and my friends were skating this spot in queens at the top of a hill, were just hanging at the top of the hill playing skate and what not and then we here this crotch rocket booking it coming towards us.  As this idiot is flooring it up the hill a car who is stopped is making a left hand turn, the asshole biker was going way too  fast to break in time and slams into the side this car at at least 40mph, the biker flies over the car and slides all the way to the bottom of the hill that we were on top on.  Me and one of my friends got closer to see the bike coming up the hill when we heard the bike revving it up the hill, and were only 5 ft away from he wreck we both got hit with shrapnel form the dudes bike.  The bike was wrecked, but the biker was fine just some gashes and stuff.  When the fireman show up on the scene to clean everything up, this older firefighter walks over to me and my friends and says "See boys this is what happens when you get a pussy bike like that, motorcycles like these are for chumps."

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2009, 01:04:33 AM »
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I've been super lucky, knock on wood, but I do have one good ( real long) car 'accident' story

Years ago I went to visit my buddy Chris at work to grab some food with him at his bar when he got off. So he clocks out and we're sitting at the bar talking and see some woman approach looking for someone who works there. The dude who came on after Chris was nowhere to be seen so Chris says to the woman, "Hi, I work here and just got off, can I help you with something?". She just wanted to place a drink order so he took care of it for her and that was that.

Fast forward 30 minutes. We're still sitting at the bar and I see out of the corner of my eye this mountain of a man approaching us from behind. He grabs my buddy Chris by the neck and I'm just thinking it's some friend of his. After a couple seconds I realize this dude is saying stuff along the lines of "You're fucking hitting on my girl in front of me? How about we go outside" or some other manly bullshit. At this point his 'girl' sees what's happening and comes up to pull him off as we're explaining he works at the bar and was taking her order. They walk away and we're sitting there in shock. Then the woman comes back to apologize and the dude loses it. He comes and grabs her and starts to get physical with HER and she runs off to the bathroom and he starts to follow her, then comes back at us. At this point a few of his co-workers have seen what's going on and come over so now there are 4 of us and him so he decides to leave the bar. 5 seconds later the girl runs out of the bathroom and leaves too.

Since this dude clearly has issues one of my friends co-workers goes outside to see if everything is alright. Come back in right away and say you guys need to call the cops and come help me so 3 of use go outside to see the girl running as fast as she can away from this dude who was following her in his jacked-up pick-up. As soon as he gets right behind her, he swerves and leaves the parking lot and takes off down the road. It's around midnight and raining and this woman is running alone down the street so we decide to go help her. My car was right there so the four of us get in and drive after her. We pull up along side her and ask if she needs help, where she needs to go, etc... At first she says she's fine but after a second realizes that she needs help. Right as she starts getting into my car we see head lights coming the other direction. She realizes it's him and says "It's fine, he just gets jealous, I'll be ok" and shuts the door to my car and walks towards the direction his car is coming. We obviously aren't going to just leave so I back up into a parking lot so I'm still facing the street and can easily pull out if something else happens.

He stops in front of her and she gets into his truck. He then peels out, does a u-turn and pulls into the parking where I'm parked. He starts coming directly at us and I'm thinking "Great, this dude wants to fight all of us" but before I can finish that thought I realize he's not stopping. Now I'm in a little 1990 Honda Civic and he's in a giant truck. We're fucked. Before I knew it he driven head first into us, crushing the front of my car as he drove on top of it. All I can see are his tires inches from my windshield spinning at what looks like 1,000,000rpm. Being the action hero that I am, I put my car in reverse and drive out from under him. His truck crashed down and he continued to drive towards us. So now I'm driving in reverse through a giant Costco parking lot being chased by a maniac like I'm Jason Stathom. I'm doing my best to avoid all the little curb planters dividing parking spots and he's just driving over them. Luckily, 15 seconds into our scene from Ronin three cop cars pulled up with full sirens. I stopped and he tried to drive away but was blocked in. The cops not knowing who was who pulled their guns on everyone yelling for us to get out of the car. It didn't take long to realize he was the bad guy but it's never cool to have a gun pointed at you.

I didn't have a car for a couple months but when it was all said and done I got a sweet settlement without having to go to court.

Let this be a lesson to all of you. If you see a women being abused by her boyfriend, just let it happen.

/thread, and you're getting my first gnar
Yeah dude!, you are a very good storyteller. that one had me reading so intently i actually drooled alittle on my keyboard.

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #40 on: September 11, 2009, 01:30:54 AM »
Got t boned twice, once I thought for sure I was dead, bitch was haulin up a hill hella fast, I would guess about 50/60. there's a 4 way stop @ the top of this hill by my house(yeah it makes no sense to me either), hit me about an inch behind my door and spun me about 300 degrees. My back tire looked like it'd broken it's ankle. I saw her when she was maybe 10 ft. away, hit the accelerator and somehow came away alive, but with a further aggravated back from this accident where I could've killed this dude in SF a few years ago, the one accident that was my fault. Luckily I was only going about 15 miles an hour cuz the road was fucked from construction and unbeknownst to me, there was a big ass road sign blocking the stop light til about 10 feet away.  hit him right on his door, tried to swerve but there was no point. his bitchass wife got out on some "you tried to kill my husband" asian engrish rant and I had to tell that bitch to calm down & be cool like fonzie or I was gonna have to choke a bitch. Two years later, I'm sittin on the porch talkin to moms when some random ho comes walkin up with a package in her hand. She's kinda sexy and she smiles and asks my name, I stupidly tell her and she gets stern and says "you've been summoned" and hands me the package and like an asshole, I grab it. Long story short, they got some ambulance chasing lawyer who got some wild hair up his ass and convinced them that they could drum up a $25,000 claim against me for loss of wages and pain and suffering days before the statute of limitations on the case. they lost.
say they ain't no gravity up there....mean we could get high and never come down....

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2009, 09:54:29 AM »
back in '94 i was driving back from a friends house super drunk, high, and holding a oz. of the goods. 
so i'm going about 85 in a 35 when i see the rollers in my rearview so i booked it.  i lost the cop, pulled into a parking lot, jumped out the car, pulled the bag of weed out my pants, and stashed it in the woods. 
i waited for what i thought was 10 minutes but it was more like 2 have no conception of time when you're wasted.  so grabbed my sack and got back behind the wheel.  i put the car in reverse and bang!, the cop hits me with his spotlight.  like straight out of toyko drift, i screeched out, pulled a 180, and i'm hauling ass again.  i'm on local roads at about 4am and i'm doing like 90mph when i try to make a quick left to right curve.  next thing i know my car pulls a 180 and i slam the driveside door into a telephone pole....totally crushing the side of my car and breaking both windows.  i had glasses on and i found them in the bushes where i crashed 2 weeks later, thats how hard i slammed the pole.   

anyway, the cop car pulls up and they jump out, thats when i gas it again and homeboy goes diving back into his car(apparently i almost hit him) cars still running so so am i.  so its a high speed chase again.  i'm weaving in and out of local streets trying to lose them when i tried to make a left turn going about 70.  i made the left, hopped the curb and went flying into a tree.  i was hurt but in shock and i tried to put the car in reverse so i could continue my getaway but the car isn't doing anything.  WTF!  then i notice the tree i hit is literally sitting shotgun and the pain starts to hit me....i cracked my sternum, thats the shit that connects all your ribs in the front of your chest. 

now i can't breathe but i know i have this oz. of weed, so i pull it out my pants and tried to throw it as far as i could but i'm hurt and out of breath so it got about as far as the left front tire and of course they found it.  the cops catch up, jump out with their guns drawn and proceed to question me all the while i'm sitting in my car and struggling to breath.  i literally said, i'm guilty, i'm drunk, i can't breath, call the hospital, then i pass out.

next thing i know i'm in the ambulance and my friend who worked for the EMT is like, "dude, your car is so fucked, i can't believe your alive".  i pass out again and wake up handcuffed to the bed and both my parents are standing their crying while a cop is reading my rights.  i pass out again and wake up in the morning still handcuffed with a stack of tickets on the nightstand like you wouldn't believe.  they got me for everything, and because i was driving from NJ into NY, both states ticketed me for everything under the sun/ 

the best part of all this is, it wasn't my car, it was my brothers.  you'd think he'd be pissed but insurance paid out $500 more than what he initially paid for the car after driving for 2 years.  my parents paid the fine and i worked all summer long paying them back.  to this day i still can't believe i survived both crashes.  ahhh the stupid shit you do when you're young and think you're invincible.       



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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #42 on: September 11, 2009, 12:24:59 PM »
a friend of mine who skates was riding his motorcycle (not a gay ass crotch rocket neitha. a fucking harley ok...)
and was taking a left turn while this stupid bitch on her cellphone across the intersection decided she would take a right. he was making a wide left into the right lane while she was making a wide right into the left lane of the same lane ya know? anyway he proceeds to smash into the side of her sending him over the car and taking a fucking harsh slam to his knee/hip simoultaneously getting road rash like a mofo. now hes walking around with a cane looking all haggard. his bike barely got fucked up surprisingly but the whole side of that bitches car was fuuuuuuuckkkkkkked up.

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #43 on: September 11, 2009, 01:01:00 PM »
back in '94 i was driving back from a friends house super drunk, high, and holding a oz. of the goods. 
so i'm going about 85 in a 35 when i see the rollers in my rearview so i booked it.  i lost the cop, pulled into a parking lot, jumped out the car, pulled the bag of weed out my pants, and stashed it in the woods. 
i waited for what i thought was 10 minutes but it was more like 2 have no conception of time when you're wasted.  so grabbed my sack and got back behind the wheel.  i put the car in reverse and bang!, the cop hits me with his spotlight.  like straight out of toyko drift, i screeched out, pulled a 180, and i'm hauling ass again.  i'm on local roads at about 4am and i'm doing like 90mph when i try to make a quick left to right curve.  next thing i know my car pulls a 180 and i slam the driveside door into a telephone pole....totally crushing the side of my car and breaking both windows.  i had glasses on and i found them in the bushes where i crashed 2 weeks later, thats how hard i slammed the pole.   

anyway, the cop car pulls up and they jump out, thats when i gas it again and homeboy goes diving back into his car(apparently i almost hit him) cars still running so so am i.  so its a high speed chase again.  i'm weaving in and out of local streets trying to lose them when i tried to make a left turn going about 70.  i made the left, hopped the curb and went flying into a tree.  i was hurt but in shock and i tried to put the car in reverse so i could continue my getaway but the car isn't doing anything.  WTF!  then i notice the tree i hit is literally sitting shotgun and the pain starts to hit me....i cracked my sternum, thats the shit that connects all your ribs in the front of your chest. 

now i can't breathe but i know i have this oz. of weed, so i pull it out my pants and tried to throw it as far as i could but i'm hurt and out of breath so it got about as far as the left front tire and of course they found it.  the cops catch up, jump out with their guns drawn and proceed to question me all the while i'm sitting in my car and struggling to breath.  i literally said, i'm guilty, i'm drunk, i can't breath, call the hospital, then i pass out.

next thing i know i'm in the ambulance and my friend who worked for the EMT is like, "dude, your car is so fucked, i can't believe your alive".  i pass out again and wake up handcuffed to the bed and both my parents are standing their crying while a cop is reading my rights.  i pass out again and wake up in the morning still handcuffed with a stack of tickets on the nightstand like you wouldn't believe.  they got me for everything, and because i was driving from NJ into NY, both states ticketed me for everything under the sun/ 

the best part of all this is, it wasn't my car, it was my brothers.  you'd think he'd be pissed but insurance paid out $500 more than what he initially paid for the car after driving for 2 years.  my parents paid the fine and i worked all summer long paying them back.  to this day i still can't believe i survived both crashes.  ahhh the stupid shit you do when you're young and think you're invincible.       


so I'm guessing you got DUI's in both states, drug trafficking, felony drug charges in both states, evading police, and a whole other slew of stuff and all you had to do was pay some fines? something doesn't add up here man.


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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2009, 03:48:12 PM »
not my accident. last year, a friend fell asleep behind the wheel driving to his girlfriend's place late one night. he was hospitalized for a week or two. a few breaks, stitches, and a pissing tube. he's a lot better now, and has been demoted to a used '93 civic  :P.

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #46 on: September 11, 2009, 06:01:29 PM »
Holy shit, cars are just about the deadliest weapons ever. I'm a responsible driver, since I'm not 25 yet, I'd like to make it through without any points on my license whatsoever. Some of you guys must get raped on insurance

I drive a manual too, so I guess that kinda forces you to stay alert.


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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2009, 08:29:08 AM »
from 16 to 19 i had 5 car accidents, all my fault, then i moved out of the country, now i only use trains

jack burton

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2009, 10:02:50 AM »
one time i was driving around with my ex girlfriend when things were dying down and i didnt even want to hang out. so i figure we can kill time at barnes and noble till she has to leave. shes making a left into the shopping plaza and i hear her say oh shit! i look up and theres a car coming right at me. it hits us so hard that my glasses fly off and we almost flip and do a 180 into another car. her moms car was totaled and the two other fucked up cars were bmws. after all this i was standing there with her crying and all i could think was are you fuckin serious?


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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2009, 06:47:22 PM »
In no way compares to Yeah dude!'s, but it's bogus and not my fault at all.

Some random day in high school, day's over, and I ended up driving a couple dudes home so I had to wait for them. I ended up getting to school late that morning and had to pick one of the spots at the end, with the median between me and the lane to leave school. So I'm waiting with one of the guys and we're fucking around, throwing some milk bottle at each other, and the other kid shows up, saddened that he was denied by some chick, and I hop in the car ready to go. Maybe 2 seconds later someone fishtails another guy as he's trying to get into the leaving lane, and that in turn throws him over the median and into my door. I shut my door and that's when the first hit started. All in all I could've gotten really fucked if that other kid kept trying to get in some chick's pants. And she wasn't even hot.

Bogus, shit took 5 months for the dude to get me my insurance check.

H8R part 4

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Re: Fuck it, let's do this. Car accident thread.
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2009, 10:43:20 AM »
so I'm guessing you got DUI's in both states, drug trafficking, felony drug charges in both states, evading police, and a whole other slew of stuff and all you had to do was pay some fines? something doesn't add up here man.

thats why i got a least my parents. 
i plead no contest to the DUI and they dropped the drug charges, no felony charges were even mentioned during any time. 
it was my first offense, they took my license, i had to go to the DDP class for 10 weeks, and paid about $7000 in fines between the 2 states.  it sucked ass.  i'm currently trying to obtain my NY license, last time i drove in NY was in '94. 
i did however get a NC license when i was going to college there.  this is back when none of the DMVs were linked as they are now.