Author Topic: Omegle  (Read 20730 times)

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Re: Omegle
« Reply #90 on: April 27, 2009, 08:59:07 PM »
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i keep finding pretty girls on here. there's one who lives in holland- where i'll be for the summer.
to the people who use this, you can agree- you can tell when they're legit or not. this one is pretty solid.

is it wrong to want to meet her? fuck this is so odd
Is she from Rotterdam and her name Monica? Cause I talked to a Monica from Rotterdam. If its her, no dont meet up, shes 16...oh wait, 16 is legal right?
nah, her name's iris and shes from further south.

you took to much

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Re: Omegle
« Reply #91 on: April 27, 2009, 09:00:03 PM »
You: hello
Stranger: hi
You: hows it going
Stranger: badly
You: you have the cancer?
Stranger: the?
You: ?
Stranger: i think theres more than one
Stranger: but no
Stranger: i was attacked by gypsies
You: i was attacked by the gypsies once
Stranger: no way
You: the took two goats, and touched my sister in the private places
Stranger: i was talking about gypsy moths...


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #92 on: April 27, 2009, 09:23:01 PM »
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: wanna get weird?
Stranger: ok?
Stranger: how
You: how ok with it are you?
Stranger: very
You: ASL YOU turd
Stranger: 17 f ca
You: i dont believe you
Stranger: u?
Stranger: why not
You: 18 m mo
Stranger: mo?
You: what is a 17 year old doing on OMEGLE
You: why
You: why
Stranger: what d u look like
You: pretty handsome
Stranger: oh
You: like
You: hOtT
Stranger: my friend tolkd me about it
You: pics or gtfo
Stranger: what?
Stranger: ill show u
You: pics or get the fugg out
You: show me
Stranger: if u show me
You: you first you baby
Stranger: k hold on
Stranger: yis uploading
Stranger: ur turn
You: (i posted the same pic)
You: oh weird, we look the same?
You: you know, this means one of us is the imposter
Stranger: wtf
You: which of us is the real visor-beanie-wearing culprit
Stranger: i gave u the pic firts

then i got off
this is fun


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #93 on: April 27, 2009, 09:31:45 PM »
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hey
You: I wana tell you something important
You: but I have to go and I'll be back in like 15 minutes
You: wait for me ok?
Stranger: yeah

literally 20 minutes later...

You: alright I'm back, are you still there?
Stranger: yeah
You: ok pay attention because what I'm going to tell you is important
Stranger: go
You: hold you breath for 30 seconds and whisper the name of your crush in your head 5 times then press f7 and the name of your true love will appear on the screen!!!

long pause...

Stranger: so what?
You: ...
You: kill niggers KKK jews did 9/11?
Stranger: :))))))))
You: omg...
Stranger: hate niggas
You have disconnected.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #94 on: April 27, 2009, 09:38:32 PM »
You: yo
Stranger: <- Mitch
You: sup mitch
You: whats up doc?
Stranger: not much
Stranger: you?
You: you take forever to post, why u so slow
Stranger: srry
Stranger: bussy
Stranger: im a slut
You: dude hurry up
You: u r a slut
You: bussy?
Stranger: multiple conversations
You: what?
Stranger: im talking to like 3 people lol
You: not!
You: so what the fuck are you guys talking about?
You: you so fucking slow
Stranger: im chatting with babes
Stranger: jeeze napolean
You: fuck
You: how do you know they are not transexuals?
Stranger: where you from?
Stranger: good question
You: yeah
You: do you believe in aliens visiting earth?
Stranger: it's possible
You: grey aliens from Zeta Reticula?
You: I'm an alien
Stranger: why?
Stranger: jesus was probably an alien
You: my name is Esophi
Stranger: or Gandalf
You: wh==
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Doctor Newton

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Re: Omegle
« Reply #95 on: April 27, 2009, 10:30:40 PM »
Stranger: male or female?
You: indeed
You: male
Stranger: same
You: gay
Stranger: me too!
You: you post at slap?
Stranger: huh?
You: that's a no
Stranger: lol i guess so
You: it's a forum for gays and skateboarders
Stranger: oh never heard of it
You: check it out,
You: slap = skateboarding, life, art, progression
Stranger: so
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: wait
Stranger: i know s
Stranger: age and location?
You: =P
Stranger: haha
You: 15, usa
You: you?
Stranger: 16, usa
Stranger: woo go us
You: haha
You: go to slap and click forum at the top then click registerrrrr
You: ; )

if you make a screen name and put a proper email in (anything with @ and a .com) and enter the code it should work, sometimes you have to enter the code then paste what it gives you into a box
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you know what i say?
Stranger: i say you just send me a pic of you
You: lemme upload
Stranger: yayy
You: you do the same home skillet
Stranger: sounds good
Stranger: i dont know how to upload it
Stranger: lol im not to technoligally advanced
Stranger: okay
You: click browse, find the file, click ok, then click upload
You: then paste me the direct URL link
You: this pic of me is ferociously scary rawr
Stranger: send yours first!!
You: can yo handle scarrry pics
You: it's my halloween pic
Stranger: yesss
Stranger: its all okay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #96 on: April 27, 2009, 11:12:37 PM »
No holds barred, til labias say "free us"
then its straight to your kids' school, wine coolers in the Prius


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #97 on: April 27, 2009, 11:48:30 PM »
these are fun to read.
do more yoga!

Evil Kraken from the Arctic Sea

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Re: Omegle
« Reply #98 on: April 28, 2009, 02:09:47 AM »
You: want to see a picture?
Stranger: sure!
You: oh my cam doesnt work
You: actually im only that ok?
Stranger: aw
Stranger: webcam?
You: im sorry, i lied
You: :o(
Stranger: haha well im only 17 ;)
Stranger: hahah
You: oh thats great
You: haha
You: thats what the internet is for right?
Stranger: buut yes thats ok!
Stranger: haha yup
Stranger: pretending to be older than you are!
You: yea haha
You: and cybering with strangers
Stranger: tho i actually look older haha
You: i love omegle for that
Stranger: haha yup
You: haha
You: do you have a picture?
Stranger: ya its awesome
Stranger: yes i do i have a few actually haha
Stranger: but youll have to choose what you wanna see
You: idc send me some hot pix of you xD
Stranger: ive got some like close up ones, some from some parties i went to at my brothers college, or some other more... "revealing" pictures :-p but for those ill wanna see something in return ;-))
You: oh thats cool
You: no problem
You: but u have to go first
Stranger: ok how much?
Stranger: shirtless? dickout? what
You: Wait hang on a second there...Sending Nude pictures to a 15 year old? Why dont you take a seat over there! I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC
You: …………………………………………„„-^*''''*^~^*'''*^-„„
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……………………………...'| .*^^*'''―o―'''*-„ . . . ,''*^~~^*'' . . . . . | .*-„ '|
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You: Care to explain yourself
You: ?
Stranger: creeper
You: Show me whats in that bag?
You: oh you brought condoms huh? What did you think would happen here?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I'll go frontside on some tranny for you.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #99 on: April 28, 2009, 02:35:00 AM »
that chris hansen shit gets me everytime
my god the sex ive had and forced others to watch!


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #100 on: April 28, 2009, 04:25:24 AM »
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: Hey stranger
Stranger: from?
You: Asl?
Stranger: 15/m/netherlands
Stranger: u?
You: 45/m/netherlands
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #101 on: April 28, 2009, 07:47:00 AM »
glynn fucking spencer, for the god damn win.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: can you leave me a whole bunch of fun and interesting things to read for when i wake up in the morning?
Stranger: what's up?
You: pls
Stranger: um... why?
You: cause
Stranger: who are you?
Stranger: find something to do
You: what do you think im doing
Stranger: not being bored?
You: finding something for me to do in the morning
You: like you said
You: help me out
Stranger: hhhmmmm
Stranger: but why me?
You: you always have the best things to say
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: fair enough...
You: thank you!!!
Stranger: Alright
Stranger: For your reading pleasure
You: okay im gonna look away
You: thanks i really owe you one
Stranger: it's ok
Stranger: I'm pretty bored, and it's night time :p
Stranger: Ahem
You: : )
Stranger: I shall start my tale
Stranger: We should start in 2002, and the time my friend had a Chinese exchange student living with him
Stranger: It was the middle of the year and his mum had agreed to house one of the students from Pudong General High School for three months.
Stranger: Little did we know just who that person would be.
The morning came when all the students arrived, and we went to the school to collect the new arrivals. We patiently waited as the role was called, and then the housing worked out. My friend's mum had gotten a person named Zheng Yu Guan, so we didn't know what to expect.
Stranger: The name was called, and my friend's mother's name called, and out of the crowd walked a beautiful girl the same age as my friend and I.
Stranger: My friend was instantly attracted to her.
Stranger: Over the 3 months they developed a bit of a romance, but most could see it was just a temporary thing. But my friend it seems was not with the majority. After the time was up we all bid a fond farwell to Yu Guan, aka Lace, and promiced that if we could we would meet again.
Stranger: But my friend wanted more than just to meet her again, he loved her.
Stranger: Some time passed, and he grew more anxious, he still loved her, even though she never truely loved him. In 2004 he decided to go to her, to try to get her to be with him.
Stranger: It didn't work out.
Stranger: But instead of being heartbroken, he had found a love for the city Shanghai, so he decided he wanted to go back and work there for a while. In 2004 to 2006 he did a teaching degree, and got a job in China teaching English. I decided that I wanted to go visit China as well, though not to stay.
Stranger: Together we took off, and landed in Beijing, we saw all the tourist sites, including one day we went to Tian'anmen Square. There I saw Mao's tomb. When I came out of it, I saw my friend talking with two very beautiful young women.
Stranger: I went over and introduced myself. One called her self Jessica, and the other Faye, we talked for many hours about our home towns, both girls being from Zhenjiang in Jiangsu province, near the city of Nanjing. I was drawn to Faye, and she to me. I had planned my trip fairly well, and gotten train tickets before leaving, so only got to spend a small amount of time with her, but I knew I was in love.
Stranger: My friend and I then went to Shanghai, so I could see our friend Lace,she still liked my friend, and they remain friends to this day, and so I could see other exchange friends as well. We stayed about a week there.
Stranger: We went on to the town where my friend had his job, a place in central China named Changsha. A tiny, crowded city, as small as one of Brisbane's suburbs, yet with as many people as our whole city. It was incredible, amazing, crazy.
Stranger: I left via Beijing, which gave a chance to say goodbye to Faye, and to promise her I would return.
Stranger: The next year Faye and I stayed in contact via MSN, email, and the phone, and rapidly became closer and closer, even via these long distance methods. I saved my money, so I could visit her exactly a year after I had left. My friend Leon decided to come, to meet her, and also to see our friend who had now moved to Shanghai to work.
Stranger: After sending two weeks with Faye, it became clear that I wanted to be with her forever, and she wanted me, but this time was only a holiday.
Stranger: We went to Shanghai first though, but stayed for only week
Stranger: When it was nearly time for me to go, Faye sent me an SMS saying that she loved me, and wished I would stay. I told her I would be back, and I would find a way to be with her.
Stranger: I had to wait another year before I could be back.
Stranger: And then I chose the worst time for a forign Chef to get a job in Beijing, where she lives and works. Olymipics.
Stranger: Half the resturants closed for the first few days, and then when they opened, I was but one of many millions of people looking for a job. I was broke, and jobless, and to make it worse the Chinese government didn't issue work visas from april 1 to december 1. I had to try again.
Stranger: Faye still loved me, and I her
Stranger: It took me 7 months to manage to find a job, I got a visa, a work permit, flights
Stranger: I headed over full of hope, and met the boss the day after I arrived. He got me working 2-3 hours a day from the very next day. I becam alittle bit stressed by it, and by the fact I couldn't find an appartment. Faye became negative, because she felt I was loosing hope, and of course, this made me feel exactly this way. I confronted the boss and told him I needed some time, to settle down, to get aclimatised, and to talk with my girlfriend, because if she was going to break-up with me, then I had no reason to be in Beijing.
Stranger: I went there for love.
Stranger: We talked, we made love, we where happy again.
Stranger: So, I called the boss, two days before April 1st, the day he wanted me to start full-time, and said 'I want to work for you, I want to sign the contract, and complete it.' He told me he had decided against hiring me, he didn't want to risk me being dumped, and leaving. Not giving up, I put an emerency ad into several online job sites. But no reply. I was running out of money, and soon enough I didn't have enough to stay. I had to move my flights to be only the 6th of April. I was devistated. I wanted more than anything to stay, but I do not want to be a dodgy unqualified teacher. Faye and I cryed together, and I had to make my good bye, but I promised her I would find a way we can be together.
Stranger: I will hold this promise, even though right now we are going through a rough period. I truely love her.
Stranger: I thank you for reading this tale of woe, and thank you for letting me tell it, I hope it brings you some enjoyment.
Stranger: Yours, Glynn Spencer.
Stranger: PS. If you publish it, I want half royalties :p
Stranger: Good night
Stranger: Sleep well!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
u b drinkin and b drivin? dat makes you like a millinaire glitter pimp daddy



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Re: Omegle
« Reply #102 on: April 28, 2009, 08:30:59 AM »

Stranger: i gave u the pic firts

this shit is so funny, i love this website


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #103 on: April 28, 2009, 03:11:06 PM »
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: slet?
You: slet?
Stranger: m/f?
You: f
Stranger: age?
You: 21
You: u?
Stranger: 20
Stranger: got a cam? :>
You: m or f?
Stranger: male
You: no i meant mallards or fettucini
You: i am naked
You: my boobs are just hanging off of my chest
You: i am completely garb free at this point
Stranger: nice
Stranger: do u got a cam?
You: i enjoy the cold air caressing my vaginal orifice
You: yes i own a camera
You: do you own a camera?
Stranger: ye
Stranger: do u wanna cam?
You: what do i do?
Stranger: wanna see eachother on the cam?
You: stop calling it a cam please
Stranger: sure..
You: still photographs?
You: or would you prefer a cinematic theme?
Stranger: both
You: let us starts with the stills
You: you send first
Stranger: then I need your msn.
You: i don't have an msn. i'm not canadian
Stranger: do u got a webcam?
You: yus
Stranger: can I see you on it?
You: show me a photographic image of you first mr male who is 20
Stranger: ye ok
Stranger: but how can i send it to you?
Stranger: I can't on this chat
You: here is a photographic image of me taken on halloween
You: send it like that male who is 20
Stranger: ok
Stranger: wait a sec
Stranger: wtf?
You: do you like my costume and my animals?
Stranger: ur telling me ur a female
You: yes
You: i have short hair
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
"You were such a shitty parent that your kid couldn't even make it to term A guy who killed his child before it could be born because he was so shitty didn't do anything wrong.You know how the rest of us became positive members of society BY NOT BEING PIECES OF SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE"-Ronald Reagon


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #104 on: April 28, 2009, 03:34:03 PM »
Stranger: heyy
You: jung jung!
Stranger: carl jung?
You: jung jung in my mung mung!
Stranger: lovely
Stranger: u drunk?
You: ralph and me went to the sea
You: we felt such glee
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
"You were such a shitty parent that your kid couldn't even make it to term A guy who killed his child before it could be born because he was so shitty didn't do anything wrong.You know how the rest of us became positive members of society BY NOT BEING PIECES OF SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE"-Ronald Reagon


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #105 on: April 28, 2009, 03:43:35 PM »
OmegleBot (5:36:44 PM): Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. If this takes too long, type $disconnect to stop waiting.
OmegleBot (5:36:44 PM): You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! (When the conversation is over, type $disconnect.)
Briden108 (5:36:46 PM): hey
OmegleBot (5:36:51 PM): I CHOOSE YOU PIKACHU
OmegleBot (5:37:04 PM): You better get a Pokemon out
Briden108 (5:37:11 PM): FUCK YEAH, SEAKING!
OmegleBot (5:37:12 PM): I'll let him loose on you
OmegleBot (5:37:19 PM): OH YES WATER TYPE
OmegleBot (5:37:23 PM): PIKACHU THUNDER!
OmegleBot (5:37:27 PM): ITS VERY EFFECTIVE
OmegleBot (5:37:32 PM): YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSssss
Briden108 (5:37:36 PM): Seaking, return!
Briden108 (5:37:41 PM): now....
OmegleBot (5:37:41 PM): Pikachu return!
OmegleBot (5:37:47 PM): GO, GENGAR
Briden108 (5:37:55 PM): Magicarp! I CHOOSE YOOOOU
OmegleBot (5:37:56 PM): *gengar*
OmegleBot (5:38:04 PM): (Oh no!)
OmegleBot (5:38:10 PM): Gengar! USE SLEEP!
OmegleBot (5:38:15 PM): IT FAILED WTF?
Briden108 (5:38:25 PM): MAGICARP! FLAIL!
OmegleBot (5:38:31 PM): ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!
OmegleBot (5:38:34 PM): FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU
Briden108 (5:38:35 PM): it.... worked?
OmegleBot (5:38:41 PM): GENGAR RETURN
OmegleBot (5:38:44 PM): MAGIKARP GO
Briden108 (5:38:50 PM): oh shi-
OmegleBot (5:38:51 PM): USE A SPLASH ATTACK
OmegleBot (5:39:00 PM): *Magikarp flails around*
OmegleBot (5:39:10 PM): Stupid ass Pokemon
Briden108 (5:39:26 PM): look at him go
OmegleBot (5:39:26 PM): Magikarp, use Hyper Beam!
OmegleBot (5:39:39 PM): You don't know Hyper Beam wtf
OmegleBot (5:39:44 PM): Stupid ass pokemon
Briden108 (5:39:46 PM): Magikarp return!
Briden108 (5:39:50 PM): I CHOOSE YOU, BOBBY DARRIN
Briden108 (5:39:58 PM): *Splish splash I was takin a bath...*
Briden108 (5:40:04 PM): it's super cleansing!
OmegleBot (5:40:04 PM): I CHOOSE YOU!
OmegleBot (5:40:08 PM): GOATSE!
OmegleBot (5:40:09 PM):
_______\___.__C____) just_(_(____>__|__/
Briden108 (5:40:28 PM): its..... beautiful....
OmegleBot (5:40:32 PM): HAHA
OmegleBot (5:40:51 PM): Goatse, use Ole Red Eye to lure him in!
Briden108 (5:41:09 PM): Bobby Darrin is now confused!
Briden108 (5:41:14 PM): about his sexuality
OmegleBot (5:41:18 PM): HAHAHA
OmegleBot (5:41:23 PM): kbai
OmegleBot (5:41:25 PM): Your conversational partner has disconnected. Type $connect if you would like to chat with another random stranger.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #106 on: April 28, 2009, 06:38:40 PM »
these are awesome

30 Helens Agree:

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Re: Omegle
« Reply #107 on: April 28, 2009, 07:57:42 PM »
i talked to some guy who claimed he was in the movie "This is England" pretty rad, if true


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #108 on: April 28, 2009, 11:23:48 PM »
Stranger: Heey
You: 'Sup
Stranger: goood (:
Stranger: u?
You: good, good just chillin you know.
You: Where you from?
Stranger: okay, cool
Stranger: finland, u?
You: usa, california.
You: you a chick or a dude?
Stranger: coool ^^
Stranger: chik
Stranger: opss
Stranger: chick
You: You ever heard of Plan b skateboards?
Stranger: no (: SRY
You: Really?!
You: my boy Ryan Shekcler?
Stranger: yeah
You: yeah this is Jereme Rogers, JR Blastoff.
You: ryan's my homey
You: we're teammates.
Stranger: σkay, i don΄t know who he is? sry
You: u don;t know who ryan sheckler is?!!!
You: shit.
Stranger: no (:
Stranger: i΄m sry
You: Well yo, i'm a pro skater, and I also have a rap album out
Stranger: WTF, fantastic
You: if i give you a link to my rap video will u tell me what u think?
Stranger: yeah
You: okay, here's tha link
Stranger: i love rap boys and music
Stranger: (:
You: i'm the first guy rapping about santa clause
Stranger: haha ^^
You: let me kno what u think
Stranger: it΄s cool ^^, i like it much
Stranger: are u the guy in the video
You: you think my lyrics are good?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: yeah.. (:
You: yeah the first guy, that's me killin the microphone
You: nice what you think of my voice?
Stranger: fantastic, u have a great voice (:
Stranger: i like much
You: thanks. shit's pretty legit. i got black guys in the video and everything.
Stranger: yeah, when did u do this video?
You: jus a cupple weeks ago
Stranger: cool ^^
You: but the song we recorded a few months back
Stranger: okay (:
You: you think i'm hot girl?
Stranger: u have tattoos (: cool
Stranger: well, maybe
Stranger: (:
You: yeah i have a tattoo on my face girl. a treble clef musical note. check out dis link:
Stranger: cool, i take a tattoo soon.. (:
You: yeah? on your face?
Stranger: no back
Stranger: (:
You: you should see my nigga antuwan. he's got his head all fucked up with tattoos.
Stranger: great (:
You: check dat shit out
Stranger: u have a piercing?
Stranger: okay
You: nah, i'm a man of god, and i don't think god likes the piercings on men
You: you smoke weed?
Stranger: omg! much tatoos oh this guy
Stranger: sometimes
You: i'm all bout doin paperwork
Stranger: okay
You: you know.....
You: paperwork?
You: know what i mean?
Stranger: yeah
You: so u cute or whut girl? we could handle some business.
You: lutzka could watch n shit
Stranger: haha ^^
Stranger: who is ur favourite artist?
You: musical?
Stranger: yeah
You: well like not to sound conceeted but i like my own raps
You: i don't write any of them, just off the top
Stranger: okay
Stranger: what΄s the time there?
You: 4:20!!!!!!!
You: hahahah nahmnsayin?
Stranger: okay.. /(:
You: check these lines out alright.
You: this is from one of my songs
You: I can get you, with just ten letters.
Now I want you to spell ten letters.
Then I want you to count them letters.
What you get? Yep, just ten letters.
You: what do u think?
Stranger: great (:
You: thanks so yo do you love Jesus?
Stranger: well, not interested (; u?
You: yeah Jesus is my lord and savyor.
Stranger: okay
You: he is the light and the way
You: do u like it in the butt?
Stranger: okay (:
You: you do?
Stranger: i don΄t know
You: i bet u would
You: my nigga antuwan stuck his dick in a chicks pussy and his big black balls in her ass at the same time
You: then when he pulled them out he said "BOO-YA!"
Stranger: haha ^^
You: what u think bout that?
Stranger: cool ^^
Stranger: u like rock music?
You: fuck no bitch! only raps!
You: you like black balls in your ass?
Stranger: cool me neither
Stranger: no (:
You: Ahahah fuck I can't do this anymore.
You have disconnected.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 11:28:11 PM by Watson »


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #109 on: April 28, 2009, 11:47:15 PM »
was someone told via omegie to tell me i suck?


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #110 on: April 29, 2009, 12:38:47 AM »
You: i was wondering if you could give me your opinion on my new video
You: music video
Stranger: k
You: im a rapper
Stranger: k
You: im the first guy
You: tell me what you think
Stranger: the video is pretty cool, simple but clean
You: do you think my lyrics are dope?
Stranger: they are good lyrics but they dont pull me in
You: dats cool
Stranger: you have a good flow
You: theres always room for improvement
Stranger: a very southern texas sound
You: thanks for the kind words yo
Stranger: np

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Re: Omegle
« Reply #111 on: April 29, 2009, 01:26:37 AM »
man talkin to people from asia on here is the worst.  they either get super offended or dont know what youre saying and just say lol, all i want is to talk to more euro babes on this thing.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #112 on: April 29, 2009, 04:08:02 AM »
i just had biggest win on the site ever.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: is this the real life
Stranger: is this just fantasy
You: caught in a landslide
Stranger: no escape from reality
You: open your eyes
Stranger: look up to the skies and see
You: i'm just a poor boy i need no sympathy
Stranger: because i'm easy come, easy go
You: a little high, little low
Stranger: anyway the wind blows, doesnt really matter to me
You: to meeeeeeee
Stranger: mama, just killed a man
You: put a gun against his head
Stranger: pulled my trigger, now he's dead
You: mama, life has just begun
Stranger: but now i've gone and thrown it all away
You: mama, ooOOOoooo
Stranger: didn't mean to make you cry
You: if im not back again this time tomorrowww
Stranger: carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters
You: too late, my time has come
Stranger: sends shivers down my spine
You: body's aching all the time
Stranger: goodbye everybody, i've got to go
You: ok but seriously i gotta go. i love you.
Stranger: thank you for this :)
You: i will remember this day forever.
Stranger: me too
You: you have restored my faith in humanity.
You have disconnected.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #113 on: April 29, 2009, 05:49:29 AM »
i'll one-up myself there. i figured out a way to catch trolls. the following is a sequence of chats that i caught with the same person.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs?
You: i love ribs.
You: pork ribs.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs
You: i love ribs.
You: pork ribs.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs?
You: i love ribs.
You: pork ribs.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs
Stranger: why do i keep getting you
Stranger: its so annoying
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ribs
Stranger: ribs
Stranger: ribs
Stranger: ribs
You: oh god.
You: pork ribs.
Stranger: what the fuck
Stranger: ok
Stranger: who are you
Stranger: where do you live
Stranger: because
Stranger: i keep getting you
Stranger: and its creeping me out
You: the question is. why do you want to know?
You: i'm after you.
You: i've seen you around here.
Stranger: oh ok
You: and what exactly do you expect of a response?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

that's when i gave up.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #114 on: April 29, 2009, 06:32:58 AM »
I had an encounter with a shemale, he called me a faggot:

You: ask me anything
Stranger: from?
You: arizona
You: u?
Stranger: spain
Stranger: age?
You: 24
You: U?
Stranger: 21
You: male
Stranger: shemale
You: holyshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: are you serious?
Stranger: dont you like shemales?
You: if a shemale likes girls, is the shemale gay?
Stranger: no
You: what?
You: wow
You: do you finger your ass? or jack off?
Stranger: ey
Stranger: are you shemalephobic?
You: no
You: haha
You: ive just never met one
Stranger: ok
You: do you finger your ass? or jack off?
Stranger: why do you ask me those things?
You: god damn it
You: just answer
Stranger: i dont finger my ass
You: so did you choose to be shemale? or did it just happen?
You: why dont you finger your ass?
Stranger: i dont choose to be shemale
Stranger: i AM shemale
You: you were born with a dick and tits?
Stranger: you dont understand anything
You: who sucks your dick????
Stranger: like all american shits
You: who sucks on your penis??
Stranger: my boyfriend
You: WHAT!?
You: is he a shemale???
Stranger: no
Stranger: he loves me
You: oh
You: cool
You: he down for the dick and tits
Stranger: youre right
Stranger: have you never sucked a dick?
Stranger: boys know the best how to suck a dick
Stranger: stranger?
Stranger: are you wanking?
Stranger: faggot
Stranger: im going
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

soon after, this happened:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi!
You: i just met a shemale on here and he called me a faggot
You: how are you?
Stranger: dont call me a shemale faggot!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 06:36:19 AM by Hola »


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #115 on: April 29, 2009, 11:33:21 AM »
met some bomb brazilian broad.

she walked in and out of my life way too soon.
Han solo blew up the Death Star in Episode 4.  Heard it from a friend.  Reliable source.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #116 on: April 29, 2009, 11:39:13 AM »
Brazilians get an automatic shutdown for me.  Same goes with Chinese and for some inexplicable reason the hordes of dutch turds.


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #117 on: April 29, 2009, 09:33:01 PM »
Brazilians get an automatic shutdown for me.  Same goes with Chinese and for some inexplicable reason the hordes of dutch turds.

Brazil is like a she-male apocalypse! There's parts of that country where there are so many she-males that by law any new establishments being built have to build a third bathroom for she-males. Gross.

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Re: Omegle
« Reply #118 on: April 29, 2009, 11:40:08 PM »
the chick in my aforementioned posts actually contacted me, very curious to see how this goes now.  if i wind up dead or missing, let my story be known


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Re: Omegle
« Reply #119 on: April 30, 2009, 08:50:16 AM »
the chick in my aforementioned posts actually contacted me, very curious to see how this goes now.  if i wind up dead or missing, let my story be known

I had the same experience on the first conversation that actually progressed into something. We exchanged facebook profiles and i was shocked when i found out she was really attractive.
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